The Lost Gold of Pinos Altos, New Mexico

The Lost Gold of Pinos Altos, New Mexico

The lost treasure of Pinos Altos, New Mexico.
You can read the whole story of this treasure at:


  1. Richard Miner on August 12, 2022 at 2:21 pm

    Red hill would be more like a 3 month walk or ride from Pinos Altos. 3 days back then would be likely less than 25 miles?

  2. mtnbuilderspv on August 12, 2022 at 3:09 pm

    Never heard the story told with Adams being the one to return to Pinos Altos, only Jacob Snively. I know the part about Adams death is false as he roamed these parts for 3 decades searching and was seen in almost every town and settlement.

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