Treasure Hunting New Hampshire missing silver Madonna Rogers Rangers Abenaki Indians Abenaki killed

Treasure Hunting New Hampshire missing silver Madonna Rogers Rangers Abenaki Indians Abenaki killed

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statue of the Virgin Mary is one of the most prized and sought-after and coveted lost treasures in new england and it is only two and a half foot tall believe it pure silver statue of virgin mary it is said to be priceless and but it is easily worth several million dollars right now so it would be nice to recover it uh for the church the silver madonna was stolen from the small indian village in quebec canada called saint francis this pure silver statue of madonna was stolen from the catholic chapel in saint francis village by the soldiers of major robert rogers during a brutal and violent raid this raid was partially the result of increasing tensions resulting from constant violence along the canadian border between the french canadians and the british colonists on the u.s side the commander of british troops lord jeffrey amherst ordered major roberts and his rangers to attack this peaceful small indian village named saint francis major rogers and his rangers were very undisciplined violent did not wear uniforms and were basically regarded as hired killers in the middle of the night rangers rogers and his band numbering about 200 rangers stormed the defenseless abenakis men women and children these hired killers attacked the defenseless village without mercy they pulled the indians from their shelters and clapped the abenakis shot stopped scout and mutilated them without mercy men women and children even the priest was killed then they rubbed the chapel from its golden chalices candlesticks silver and gold crosses as they made their way towards the altar rangers stopped and stirred in amazement at the incredibly stunning statue of silver virgin mary with the flames that reflected from the burning altar of the chapel a few moments passed before the rangers with the great hesitation moved and lifted this incredible figure of silver virgin carried it outside and placed it on a horse fearing pursuit the rangers quickly assembled and started retreating towards fort ticonderoga near the new york vermont border where the commander lord jeffrey amherst was stationed sure enough a force of french soldiers with over 100 indians were quickly closing in on them roberts decided to divide his company to elude the pursuers he continued with about half of the men on the trail south but the remaining rangers carrying madonna and other stolen church valuables went off the trail towards east not much time went by when the pursuers caught up with the two groups of the struggling rangers and the fighting began with heavy tolls on both sides the group carrying the madonna was caught by the pursuers and only after couple of days of running and defending themselves more than 40 of them were already killed many more was starting to desert them just going away through the woods to make things worse a snow storm hit the area which caught them by surprise upon approaching the lower end of lake mead frey mahog spelled m-e-m-p-h-r-e-m-a-h-o-g

on the border of quebec and vermont they abandoned the horse carrying crosses and candlesticks and other valuables from the church because it horse became lame they didn’t even bother to try to bury it they just didn’t have enough time for it the rangers crossed the lake and went southeast towards the connecticut river the rangers were in sorry ragged shape hungry and tired plodding through the woods of vermont being constantly assaulted by the french pursuers without food they continued to push the horse carrying silver madonna after crossing connecticut river in new hampshire by the today’s town of lancaster they continued upstream of the israel river reaching the foothills of white mountains three more days of difficult travel found the men eating the letter of the back skins as they were starving and so they stopped but climbed a steep path switchbacking from the riverbank and found a shelter from an overhanging rock where they killed the horse carrying madonna and ate it raw without cooking the following day one of the rangers with raging fever decided that the statue virgin was the cause of all the misfortunes so he seized the statue and rolled it into the edge of israel river two more days went by and only one of the rangers was still alive he started walking in upstream direction and on the second day reaching a small settlement where he was helped and fed he told the local residents the whole story and about the virgin statue rolled into the river by another ranger some time went by and four men from the settlement went along the banks of the israel river until they located the overhanging rock which provided shelter for the rangers but despite many searches that followed the cherished statue of selma silver madonna was never found it is believed that it still lies off the edge of the israel river close to the rock shelter because of its significant weight it is not likely that it traveled downstream but considering

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