WE MADE A MISTAKE (treasure hunting in New Hampshire)

WE MADE A MISTAKE (treasure hunting in New Hampshire)

Helpful links
Silver Lake State Park:
$4 admission per adult



Hillsborough NH:

Chaos and Kindness:

Last week Justin Spencer of the band Recycled Percussion and the show Chaos and Kindness announced that he was hiding $10,000 somewhere in New Hampshire.

A week ago on Friday night Justin released the first of a series of clues that would be sprinkled once a day over the next week (or until the money was found). After just a few hours that first night, we decided to take an incredible shot in the dark the next day and check out one of the towns we thought the money could possibly be in, and we had no idea what was to come.

First, we stuck true to our roots and visited Silver Lake State Park in Hollis New Hampshire and then, well, watch the video to see our weekend New Hampshire adventure!

Also, shout out to Justin for making an amazing series of clues and inadvertently putting us on this journey you see in the video. Be sure to check out Recycled Percussion and Chaos and Kindness’ Facebook and Instagram pages to learn more about how the $10k treasure hunt played out, and to stay up to date regarding any other thrilling events Justin and his team may have up their sleeves.

You don’t see this in the video but we had an amazing time working together on Justin’s clues with Harrison’s mom in the days following this video. They were engaging, thought provoking, confusing, and at times, yes, frustrating. But it was exciting for us to be a part of it, and we look forward to the next one…kind of.

P.S. We didn’t dig up anyone’s lawn on our search for the money. Just wanted to throw that out there.

-Harrison and Sarah

#treasurehunt #newvideo #truenewengland #HollisNH #HillsboroughNH #TookyMillsPub #scavengerhunt #mystery #treasure #coincidence #confirmationbias #inspiration #ChaosandKindness #wildgoosechase #JustinSpencer #confusion #BearHillMotel #mistakes #YouTube #fun #discoverNH #money #clues #cringeworthy #hindsight #NewHampshire #stateparks

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